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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands,
States of Kentucky and Tennessee.
Assistant Commissioner's Office,
Nashville Tenn Febr'y 11th 1866

I have the honor to request that 2d Lieut: & Adjt. Levi S. Burnett, and 2d Lt. John S. Graham, both of 21st Regt. Vet. Reserve Corps. may be assigned to duty in this Bureau for my District, and ordered to report to Bv't Brig Gen: John Ely, Chief Supdt. of Lexington Sub District Lexington Ky, for duty.

I am, Colonel, very respfly
Your obed: Serv't
Clinton B. Fisk
Bt Maj. Gen USV &
Asst Comr Ky & Tenn

Col: Max Woodhull
AAG Bureau R.F & A L.
Washington D.C.