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Nashville Dispatch
Terms of the Dispatch. 
Daily, per year..........$14 00
Daily, per month.........  1 40
Daily, per week..........    35
Daily, single copies.....    10
Weekly, per year.........  3 00
 Payments invariably in advance. 
The office of the DISPATCH has been removed to corner of Bank street and Printers' Alley, Cherry and College streets, where advertisements and job work, and all business connected with the paper, will be attended to.

Professional Hypocricy.
With some truth it may be affirmed that hypocrisy is a professional vice-or rather, perhaps, that it is a feature more or less necessarily attendant upon the professional life. Many persons in looking upon hypocrisy as peculiarly characteristic of the clerical calling, have simply made the mistake of confining to a species what is common to a whole genus. 
Gravity, sobriety, piety, are very naturally and properly regarded by all men as necessary traits in the character of those who undertake to give their fellows instruction in religious duties. The gay, profane clergyman is a contradiction in terms. Hence of necessity all who minister in holy things must either naturally possess these clerical qualities, or else acquire them, or else feign their possession. Otherwise they must renounce the calling. How many individuals, owing to various circumstances operating in all countries, enter the ministry without these requisites, and no alternative is presented them but hypocrisy with a livelihood, or disgrace with starvation. It need then be no matter of wonder that many hypocrites are found among clergymen. This fact in no way detracts from the claims of the calling upon our respect, or from the merits or its true-hearted members. 
But does no other calling furnish examples of this failing--of pretence, dissimulation, feigned virtues? How is it with the physician, professing assurance in his judgment concerning the nature of a disease, when he knows that it is a mere guess; or inspiring his patient with high confidence in the action of a remedy which he is well assured is altogether uncertain?
Again, what is more universally common than to leave upon patient, fortunately recovered from severe illness, the impression that his renewed health, so gratefully felt and appreciated, is the result of the great skill and attention of his physician, when the latter knows perfectly well that in this particular instance nature unaided did the work? In many, very many instances, the highest professional skill; and thousands of patients do, in God's providence, owe their recovery and life to remedies timely administered by the good physician; but this in no wise alters the facts above mentioned, which can only be looked upon as demonstrating the existence of a professional hypocrisy, far easier to detect and describe than to prevent or remove. It may indeed be regarded as an infirmity incident to the peculiar character of the profession, and inseparable from it so long as the public, ignorant of or rebellious against the laws of health, continues to need the aid and comfort of the disciples of Aesculapius. 
Again, look at the military profession- does not every one know that thousands have the reputation of brave soldiers and gallant officers, setting no value upon life and heroically despising death, who nevertheless do at heart quite as dearly value life and limb as any of their citizen neighbors? Nothing is more common than for individuals constitutionally timid, even cowardly in their dispositions, to fight bravely in the foremost of the battle, to face the cannon's mouth among the fiercest, and to gain renown by so doing. As a wicked clergyman, so a coward soldier is a contradiction in terms. Bravery if not possessed inherently must be feigned, or acquired for the occasion. This hypocrisy is unavoidable, disgrace and ruin is the only alternative. 
And so we might go through with the various professions, and we would find that each requires a peculiar temperament of soul and acquirements of mind not possessed or attained by all who enter its ranks, and which consequently must be to some extent hypocritically claimed by those in whom they are deficient. 
Hypocrisy is not a stain upon religion, but upon poor, weak human nature. 

GEN. Grant gave a reception on the 29th of last month, and an invitation was sent to Gen. Butler, among others. Butler, smarting under the exposure of his incompetency, which Gen Grant made in his report submitted at the opening of Congress, declined the honor in a note, of which the following is a copy: 
"General Butler has the honor to decline the invitation of Lieut. Gen. Grant. General Butler has no desire for a further acquaintance."
THE Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette says: "Secretary Welles has expressed himself in favor of the repeal of the Congressional test oath."

Tennessee in Congress. 
The Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial telegraphs that paper on the 8th inst. as follows: 
"The Sub-Committee on Reconstruction, who have been investigating affairs in Tennessee, have not decided to report to the full Committee in favor of the admission of any of the Tennessee delegation to a seat in the House. They have taken a large amount of evidence, the greater portion of which is to the effect that a majority of the people of that State are disloyal. The Sub-Committee, however, have examined only those who are employed by the Freedmen's Bureau and others who are earnestly opposed to the admission of any Southern men. At the same time, there is no doubt but that a good many Republicans in the House, at least, are ready to vote for the admission of the Tennessee delegation. "
We are gratified to learn that some of the gentlemen who have testified before the committee have done the people of this State justice. We learn from a source likely to be well posted, that the testimony of Gen. Thomas represented affairs in Tennessee in quite a healthy condition.  We are truly glad to hear that he has not fallen in with the infatuation which seems to have seized upon some men, a few "native and to the manor born," that this people cannot be trusted. Gen. Thomas does not recommend the immediate withdrawal of the troops or the discontinuance of the Freedmen's Bureau, but, as we are informed, he regards the people of Tennessee in a much better light than they are generally represented at Washington. We are also advised that the testimony of Gen. Fisk, of the Freedmen's Bureau is to the same effect.
The statement of the Commercial's correspondent, however, gives us an insight into the character of testimony upon which it is relied to prevent Tennessee being represented in Congress. "Only those who are employed by the Freedmen's Bureau and other who are earnestly opposed to the admission of any Southern men," have been examined and their testimony is that "a majority of the people of the State are disloyal." They are interested witness and of course they believe, or profess to believe, the people are disloyal. It is natural they should so believe. They do not want Tennessee represented in Congress and they frankly tell the committee so. Of course such men are not fit to testify in a case involving the rights of a State. If the committee are disposed to do what is right they will not seek the opinions of men whose judgement is warped by the strongest of prejudices, but of men who have "no enemies to punish or friends to reward." Let them summon such men to testify and Tennessee has nothing to fear.

The Freedmen's Bureau
The United States Senate, on the 8th inst., agreed to the amendments to the bill for the enlargement of the powers of the Freedmen's Bureau, adopted by the House of Representatives, except that one which restricted the operations of the act to the States in which the writ of habeas corpus was suspended on the 1st of February, 1866. This amendment was not agreed to because it would exempt Delaware, Maryland, and Missouri from the operations of the law. The House of Representatives has receded from this amendment, and the fate of the bill now rests with the President. What will be his action may be difficult to conjecture. He has been represented, by those who assumed to speak knowingly, as opposed to the existence of the Freedmen's Bureau as it is at present constituted. If this be so, there can be no doubt as to his views of the objectionable character in which theis "institution" is now presented to him and to the Southern people.
On the third of March, 1965, a bill was passed by the Congress of the United States for the establishment of a bureau for refugees and freedmen, under the supervision of the War Department, with power to provide clothing, provisions, etc. for those who were thrown upon the charity of the government by the casualties of the war. The features of the bill were few and simple, of a purely elemosynary character, and as such commended the measure to public acceptance; but, stimulated by the rank fertility of revolutionary ideas, the Freedmen's Bureau was soon expanded into an engine of power, assuming large jurisdictions as well as dispensing national charity. Now we have a bill passed by both houses of Congress, giving it colossal proportions, absorbing all power and jurisdiction, legislative, executive and judicial, over the four millions of blacks throughout the Southern States, and over all matters wherein blacks on the one side and whites on the other are at all concerned. from a small bureau of charity attached to the War Department, it has expanded to a great departmet of the interior, wielding unlimited power, and upheld by the strong ar of martial law. The bill provides for a commissioner and for twelve assistants, each with three clerks, to have jurisdiction within a district; and for the twelve districts to be sub-divided into as many sub-districts as there are counties or parishes in the country where freedmen and refugees may be, in each of which sub-districts shall be appointed an officer of agent with a salary of $1,200 per annum--all to be under the military jurisdiction and protection of the War Department. As there are fifteen States, having an average of seventy counties each, where freedmen are to be found, the bill contemplates the appointment of more than one thousand officers, with aggregate salaries exceeding a million of dollars. An organized charity to be dispensed by one thousand officials, who are [[??]] provisions, clothing, fuel and other supplies, medical aid and assistance, transportation and sheltr, at the discretion of these officials, it certainly, as the Baltimore Sun remarks, the largest scheme of benevolence the world has ever witnessed. It savors of that millenial perfection in which beings shall have no other delight than in doing good to their fellows. As a part of the scheme, contemplated by the bill, is to purchase lands in the several districts and sub-districts, and direct and build upon such lands, durable asylums and schools, we are to infer that the charity is to be as enduring as it is magnificent, embracing withing its scope the permanent moral advancement and intellectual training, as well as the temporary assistance, of the objects of care. 
Besides these more general objects, the bill proposes the specific guardianship of all occupants of the lands under General Sherman's field order of January 16, 1865, for the term of three years, they to be protected by the gentle influence of military power, against the owners, for that period. In addition to this, three million acres of the public land are to be selected and set apart in the States of Florida, Arkansas and Mississippi for the exclusive settlement of freedmen and loyal refugees, to be parceled out in quantities not exceeding forty acres, at an annual rental, with power of purchase in fee. This branch of the bill seems to look to an extensive scheme of colonization in those three favored States. We have read, says the Baltimore Sun, of religious fanaticism, using carnal measure for its own dissemination, of Mahomet marching with the sword in one hand and the Koran in the other, but it has remained for the nineteenth century to produce a great national institution for educational and charitable purposes, to be carried out by a legion of liberty-paid officials, whose gentle ministrations and persuasive teachings shall have all the stimulous which the military protection of the War Department and the summary jurisdiction of martial law can furnish. A Turkish Cadi, smoking his chibouk and regaling himself with coffee, after the summary bastinado of some infidel dog, might furnish a model and study to the bureaucrats which this bill proposes to distribute among the orange-groves of Florida and along the fertile shores of the Mississippi.
One is at a loss to determine whether the notions of policy or the ideas of constitutional power, which presided over the passage of the bill are the more extraordinary. What becomes of the police powers of the States, their exclusive right to regulate education, their jurisdiction over contracts, their legislative control over all subjects of a domestic and local character, if the Freedmen's Bureau is to obtrude itself into every county, and oust the State authorities of all control over the population within its territory? What limit is there to federal quthority if it assumes exclusive jurisdiction over a larger part of the population, and a discretionary jurisdiction over the persons and property of the remaining portion; if it undertakes to measure all civil right and to carry on all the machinery of administrative justice, through a body of men having no higher legal training than to overseer of a county alms house? Yet such is the character of the legislation which the Freedmen's Bureau bill is designed to carry out. What hope is there for the restoration of peace and order? what of a self-adjustment, under the guidance of mutual interest, or the relations between the black and white race? What of a return of the States and the Federal Government to their constitutional orbits, while such reckless legislation consumes the time of Congress and keeps alive the anxieties of the nation?

The Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette says Mr. Guthrie, of Kentucky, declared in the United States Senate, on the 8th inst. that if Congress passed the Freedmen's bill ad similar measures, it would furnish as good grounds for revolution as that which moved the fathers of '76 to action.

In the United States Senate on the 8th inst., Mr. Lane, of Indiana, declared that he was in favor of keeping the Southern States out of te Union until the negroes were educated so as to be fit to vote. The Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial says: "This sentiment, and many others that were uttered of a similar import, were applauded."

A number of Democratic members of Congress called on the President on the 8th inst. to congratulate him upon his speech to the "colored delegation" the day previous. He reiterated in conversation what he stated to the Montana delegation, that he was not a candidate for re-election.

The fate of the negro is an interesting problem just now. Some of our wisest men believe that the race will die out as rapidly as did the Indian, if not more so. An important chapter in the history of the past five years touching this matter, might be obtained by inquiry among the planters of the South. One gentleman in this county, who had on his plantation below Memphis before the war, thirty-two negroes reports that seventeen of them are dead. Another, who had on his plantation in Arkansas thirty negroes, reports that twelve of them are dead. Other parties having plantations "down South," report a proportionate mortality among their former slaves. It would be interesting and highly important to get the experience of planters generally throughout the South touching this matter. We apprehend it would develope a fearful mortality among the blacks who have been left to their own resources pretty much during that period.

Lectures on biblical and scientific subjects are being delivered in Springfield, Hartford, and other New England towns, free to the masses. They have been well attended hitherto and are very popular. The leading professors of the various colleges are engaged in the movement. Similar lectures were established in London last December, by such men as Lyell, Zyndall, and others, which have been very successful.

In this city at nine o'clock Saturday morning, the 10th inst., of congestion of the brain, DRUSILLA, daughter of Capt. T.A. and M.A. Manning, in the twelfth year of her age. Funeral services at one o'clock to-day (Sunday) at the Cathedral. Friends of the family are invited to attend.

Public Sales of City Property, Monday, February 12, 1866
The Corporation of the city of Nashville will sell at public auction, on Monday next, on the premises, twenty lots of very valuable real estate, in Hynes' Addition to Nashville. These lots are located on Cedar, Knowles, And McCreary streets. Most of these lots have erected upon them Government buildings which may be of profit to the purchasers. Sale positive and without reserve. Omnibuses will leave the Mayor's office, Public Square, precisely at 10 o'clock. This will offer the very greatest inducements to purchasers. 
On Tuesday there will be a sale of lots belonging to the city, On Cherry street, near the Sexton's house, and on the premises; and on Wednesday at 12 o'clock will be sold two lots on Vine street, fronting the State Capitol. After which, will sell a valuable lot on Front street, and also a lot on the Public Square, adjoining the City Hotel. These sales will be positive. feb11-1t [P & T]

Choice Fruits and Vegetables.
Green peas and corn, fresh tomatoes, peaches, strawberries, blackberries, pine apples, baked pears, desecated vegetables assorted shaker preserves, jellies, condensed milk, cove and spiced oysters, fresh salmon, roast turkey, chicken, beef, mutton, etc., etc., canned and for sale cheap at W.W. Totten's, No. 21 and 23 North College street. All goods delivered free of charge.

Special Notice.
The United States having turned over to us our Shop and Machinery on December 1, we will be prepard to resume business as Builders and Contractors on January 1. Plans and specifications furnished to our patrons. Turning and Carving to order for the trade. WARREN & MOORE, High st., between Church and Broad sts. dec30-2m

Just received by M.A. Parrish & Co., College Street, South of Broad. On Consignment: 
1000 Bags of Corn,
1000 Bags of Oats,
1000 Bags of Gran,
1000 Bales of Hay,
jan19  [G.,U.]

A Card. A.G. Adams & Co. would return their thanks to their many friends who assisted them in saving so largely of their stock of Shoes, Hats, and Ready-made Clothing from the recent fire, and would say to their customers and to the trade that they expect to be back in their old place in a day or two, and that their stock is still large and complete in every department, and for the next thirty days they will offer great inducements to merchants. Their damaged stock will be sold out very low. jan18-1m

250,000 Yellow Poplar Shingles, for sale very low. 30,000 feet Fencing Lumber, 12 feet long. 500 cords prime Ash Wood, also sawed and split ready for use. 40,000 bushels choice Pittsburg Coal--warranted clean and pure, and delivered promptly--for sale by
Office, No. 49 Church street, opposite Masonic Hall. jan1

CRACKERS AND CANDY at wholesale, at D.D. DENTON & CO.'S CITY STEAM BAKERY, 6 and 8 Broad Street. no23-3m

D.G. Jones & Co. have opened a full assortment of Jouvin's Kid Gloves. feb3-1w

[[image]] Indemnity [[/image]]
The Tennessee Marine and Fire insurance Company, under the new charter, is now open for business at 
No. 34 North College Street, Next door to corner of Union street.
A.W. Butler, Sec'y.
Joseph W. Allen, Pres't.
Jno. K. Hill
C.A.R. Thompson,
Dan'l F. Carter
Sam'l Vanleer
B.B. Chatham, 
Watson M. Cooke,
D. Weaver, 
Jno. B. Johnson,
G.M. Fogg, 
A.G. Adams,
Joseph W. Allen.

In order to reduce our still large stock of Gents' Ladies' and Misses' FURS, we will sell them, form this date, at 
43 College Street.

R. H. Thompson
[[image]] Dealer in the celebrated Patent Shoulder Seam and Paris Yoke Shirts [[/image]] 
and Gents' furnishing goods
28 Cherry Street, near Union

S.L. Demoville, J.W. Bright, Jas. Thomas, Jr.
Demoville & Co.,
Corner Church and Cherry Sts.,
Nashville, Tenn.,
Dealers in 
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, Window Glass, Putty, Lard, and Coal Oils; Fancy Articles, Perfumery, Soaps, Surgical Instruments, Etc., Etc., Etc.
Clover and Timothy seeds,
White and Red Onion Sets.
Fresh Garden Seeds,
All of which we are offering to city and county dealers on the most reasonable terms. 

N.&C. and N.W. Railroads,
Nashville, Tenn., Oct 9, 1865.
On and after Tuesday, October 10, 1965, and until further notice, Passenger Trains will run as follows:
Nashville and Chattanooga Line.
Leave Nashville for Chattanooga and all points South at 8:00 A.M.; arrive Chattanooga 6:30 P.M. Returning, leave Chattanooga 6:40 A.M.; arrive Nashville 5:15 P.M.
Shelbyville Accommodation - Leave Nashville 3:10 P.M.; arrive Shelbyville 7:20P.M. Returning, leave Shelbyville 3:40 A.M.; arrive Nashville 9:55 A.M.
Nashville and Northwestern Line.
Leave Nashville and Johnsonville and all points west and northwest at 6:00 P.M., arrive Johnsonville 11:00P.M. Returning, leave Johnsonville 1:50 A.M.; arrive Nashville 6:50 A.M.
Trains on N&N, W. R.R. connect at Johnsonville with first-class line of steamers for Paducah, Cairo and St. Louis.
Trains stop at all intermediate points.
Wm. P. Innes, General Sup't.
N&C and N.W. R.Rd.

West Tennessee College
Jackson Tenn.,
Will be re-opened for the reception of pupils on Monday, the 12th of February. It has been put in charge of Rev. William Shelton A.M. of Brownsville, Tenn., who will be assisted by other competent Professors. For circular, containing terms, etc., app'y to WM. Shelton.

J. SAX & BRO.,
Exchange Brokers, 
52 College Street.
Dealers in 
Gold and Silver,
and All Kinds of Uncurrent Funds.
We will pay, for most of the uncurrent funds, from 1 to 5 cents more per Dollar than any other quotation in the city. no29-3m

For Rent, A Frame Portable Store Room on Union street, between Summer and Cherry. Also, a small residence near the Chattanooga Railroad. Apply to Callender & Garrett, 41 Cherry street. fab10-1w

For Rent, One One-Story Brick House with four rooms and Kitchen, corner of Franklin Pike and Bass street. One one-story Frame House, with two rooms and kitchen and stable, on Franklin Pike. For particulars, inquire of J.F. HOSHIOH No. 3 South Market street. feb9-5t

FOR SALE, TWO FIRST RATE IRON Safes, one of them Fire-proof, the other Burglar-proof.  Apply at the Union Bank.  JOE W. ALLEN, Cashier  feb9-1m

FOR RENT, IN THE UPPER AND LOWER end of the Market House, large and commodious rooms.  For particulars inquire of Jas Sloan, Church street, or Mayor Brown, at his office.  jan-6tf

WANTED-AT THE DRUG STORE OF H.P. Jenkins & Co. 32 Mariet street, opposite Union, 20,000 pounds of Ginseng; a'so Beeswax, fresh Sage, and all kind of Roots and Herbs, for which the highest market prices will be paid.  jan-i4 tf

CHEAP FUEL-THE GAS COMPANY HAVE reduced the price of their Coke, and will deliver, for a short time, 17 bushel cart loads at $3.50. Send your orders with the money to office, No. 71 Church street. J.H. KENDRICK, Sec'y.  dec20-if  [B.G.& T. copy]

DESIRABLE SUBURBAN RESIDENCIES FOR SALE-A Frame Dwelling with five rooms and outbuildings, in a beautiful Grove near the Murfreesboro' Pike about one mile from the city--part of the Foster Tract sad fronting on two Avenues, one sixty feet wide.  The tract offered contains 17 91-160 acres of very fertile land.  The neighborhood is excellent, and the property is offered low for half cash.  A good well and 200 assorted fruit trees.  Apply to G.P. Norvelle, at W.W. Berry's, 57 Collage street, or  J.L.& R.W. BROWN, Agents, 38 1/2 Union street.  jan18-1m

FOR SALE OR RENT, THE RESIDENCE of James Bankhead, corner Broad and McLemore streets.  This commodious dwelling is admirably adapted for either a private family or boarding house.  It contains twenty-seven rooms, including Preservative and Wine Cellar, Linen, and China Stores, and Bath Rooms, with marble tubs.  Besides all the modern improvements, a reservoir supplies the whole house and laundry with hot and cold water.  The Lot is 75 y 250 feet, with stables, carriage house, wood and coal sheds, etc. For terms apply on the premises, or at the store of Searight, Thornton & Co., Market street.  The furniture will be disposed of with the house or at private sale.  JAMES BANKHEAD.  jan20-tf  [B.]

ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE ESTATE of E.P. Wilson, deceased, are here by requested to come forward and settle immediately; and those to whom the estate is indebted are hereby notified to present their claims, duly authenticated, for settlement, to the undersigned, within the time allowed by law, or they will forever be barred.  W.L. WILSON THOSE B WILSON, }Executors.  February 8 1866   feb9-2w

Administrator's Notice.
NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the late Prof. J.H. Stewart, deceased, to the present the same within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to mid estate to pay the amounts due to PHILIP LINDSLEY, Attorney, etc., 44 1/2 North Cherry st. up stairs  feb9-tf

Bridge Stock for Sale.
50 TO 100 SHARES ($25 PER SHARE) IN THE Wire Suspension Bridge.  The old Bridge paid for 10 to 12 per cent. per annum, and the crossing on the new will be much greeter, and we would not be surprised to see the New Bridge declare dividends from 15 to 25 per cent.  Apply to J.L.& R.W. BROWN.  Commercial brokers and Real Estate Agents  38 1/2 Union street  feb 9-5t

For Sale in South Nashville
A FINE BRICK HOUSE, WITH LOT FRONTING 25 feet on Ash street, between Summer and High streets, and running back 112 feet to a private alley, which belongs to the lot.  For particulars inquire at this office, or on the premises to FERDINAND PISTER  feb3-1w

Election Notice.
THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NASHVILLE Gas Light Company, are here by notified that the annual election for seven Directors to manage the affairs of said Company for the next twelve months, will take place at the office of said company, No. 71 Church street, on Thursday 1st day of March, 1866.  JAS. H. KENDRICK, Sec'y  jeb3-td

Copartnership Notice.
The undersigned have associated themselves together under the firm style of Hamilton & Cunningham, for the purpose of conducting a GENERAL HARDWARE BUSINESS in all its branches, and have taken the storehouse recently occupied by Woods, Yeatman & Co., No 18 College Street, where they expect to keep a well assorted stock of all goods in that line, to which they invite the attention of their old friends and the public generally. 
J.M. Hamilton Late of Macey & Hamilton
G.W. Cunningham Late of Fall & Cunningham.
Nashville, Feb. 6 1866 1m

EYE and EAR 
[[image]] eye and ear [[/image]]
Dr. Leon Brockman, the only regularly educated Oculist and Aurist in Nashville, Tenn. Infirmary, 53 Church street. Guaranteed to cure every case of disease of the Eye undertaken. Cures Cancer without the knife. No charge for consultation. All communications (with stamp enclosed) promptly answered. P.O. Box 30. Diploma hangs in Office. no19-3m

Carpenter and Builder
No. 50 South High Street, Near Demumbrane

Transcription Notes:
Dark line vertically through center of page: words obscured are surmised through context where possible.