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I know of no one who does not "out Herod - Herod" I will take their services if offered in good faith, but if I find at any point a want of faith in their professions of desire to deal impartial justice to the Freedmen, I will there establish one of our own courts.

As to the employment of any Citizen force I am too certain of pernicious results. I am now very well supplied with good materiel of our own type. I suppose I can say that the state is very well occupied by my agents - all of them Army Officers. If there is any thing like an insurection I will be sure to reach it easily.
I suppose, in as much as that Army officers are rapidly being mustered out, I will have to employ some Citizens in the Country, If I do I want northern men.

I can not trust natives. They will ever hate the negroe, and they can no more get over that, than the Ethiopian can change his skin. It is for this reason that I look to any relaxation of the jurisdiction of the Bureau, or any weakening of its force with feelings of the greatest alarm. With a rigorous prosecution of the work of the Bureau for a year or two, the people, black and white, will learn many lessons which will be highly beneficial to them.