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"Copy" L13

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
New Orleans, Septem. 29" 1865.

His Ex. J. Madison Wells
Governor of Louisiana
I beg leave herewith to forward for your information my circular to my officers and assistants, concerning interference with your officers and the trial of freedmen within the State of Louisiana.

There need be no conflict of authority when civil officers receive the testimony of freedmen and treat it with the same respect claimed and enjoyed by any other citizens. I will gladly accept the aid of any officers of your appointment in the promotion of the welfare of the freedmen and the industry of the Country. I do insist, of course, that every protection and justice extended to white citizens, shall be enjoyed by colored citizens at the hands of the officers of the law, whose duty it is to know no color or origin, in the discharge of their duties to citizens.