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State of Louisiana
Executive Department
New Orleans September 27th 1865.

Thomas W. Conway Esqr.
Asst. Supt. of Bureau of Freedmen &c.
I am in receipt of your note of yesterday enclosing copy of your Circular No. 15. I have carefully read your instructions and while I accept the concessions therein made as dictated by a spirit of amity and concord on your part and which, if faithflly carried out, will lead to those results - Yet I regret you should have made any limitations as regards trusting the State authorities with the right of trying Freedmen for offences committed against the laws and should doubt their willingness to deal justly with that class.

By reference to my promulgation of General Canby's letter of July 20th. on that subject, you will find that I issued instructions to all State, Parish and town authorities, to strictly conform thereto. By that act, I became responsible that the laws should be executed, according to the rules therein laid down. If any persons exercising