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and on which their names appear and that they neither wrote their names nor made their marks.
The names of two men Jerry Kemp & Henry Kemp appear on this paper as their signatures - at least acknowledged by a mark who were not here at the time the paper was written.

The object of these black men was to get their families and they resposed the fullest confidence in Mr Pratt's ability to assist them materially

In the enclosed paper is the statement as follow "We have applied to the Military Comdr Brig Genl H. J. Hunt who is in command of the U.S. troops in this Department who states that he is powerless in the premises &c"

In reply to the question "did you call on Genl Hunt as you state? They had not but were going to but Mr Pratt told them he was going to lay all these matters before the General.

In conclusion I would say that Mr Pratt has framed the contents of the enclosed paper without regard to facts and has appended names as signatures some of which