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So you will dis cover that it is out of our power to do any thing for the relief of our suffering and dejected friends now residing in the limits of those Nations, hence we come to you buro asking and beging releif for our suffering people

We have applied to the Military commander Brig. Genl. H. J. Hunt who is in comand of the U.S. Troops of this Department who states that the is powerless in the premacies, and advised us to make our complaint known to your department, paying your assistance in procuring the desired relief for our people.-

We woul here respectfully take occasion to breafly narrate the following.

It is a distance of about One hundred and Sixty miles from this military post (Ft Smith) to where our people reside if this commander could be Ordered to demand our people of the Indians. We believe that the Indians would permit them to come to us, And we here take occasion to state that we have succeeded well in all our enterprises and various persuits in a pecuniary point We believe we have sufficient means to support our people if they were here in our custody (We mention this to show should the U.S. Gov. assist us in secureing to our selves and Relatives that we can provide for their wants and thereby prevent them from becoming paupers on the Gov.)