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unless the Gov. interfere and intercedes in our behalf "in this mater" we will never be able to accomplish our desire, we are powerless in our sphere 
We have hereto appended a list of the names and location of the persons who are our relatives and that we desire to come to our location and that we wish the Gov. to demand marked exhibit "A".
Now in conclusion permit us to say in all candor and sincerity and truth. That we are not masters of language powerful enough to express our hart felt gratitude and gratefulness to Our Heaven born Gov. of U.S.A. for the great interest she has of late manifested in our behalf.
And any favor in our behalf rest assured will be gratefully received and for which we will ever pray
Very Respectfully
Your Most Obedient Servants
Pd. Daniel Looman, Chairman
T.G. Buck Busheyhead his X mark
C.N. Watson Brown X
C.W. Pd. Grundy Thompson X
C. Sety. William Thompson X
F.G. Isaac Kemp X
Andrew Chief Wakins his X mark C.N.
Ben Colbert his X mark C.N.
Harrisson Thompson X Pd
Randolph Gardner X Pd
(never been in) Jerry Kemp X C.W.
never been in Henry Kemp X C.W.
John Fisher X C.W.

P.O. Addres
F Smith
State of Arkansas