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Exhibit - ("A")

A list of Colored Freedmen for which a Requisition is
Required from the United States Gov. to the Choctaw & Chickesaw Governments as per Petition
To. wit,

[[2 Columned Table]]
| Remarks |   | 
| --- | --- |

| Family of Buck Busheyfed a discharged US Soldier | Nancy & Lucyann & Josephine & Margaret A Narciss Busheyhead all reside in Blue County - Chocktaw Nation |

| Family of Charles Perry a discharged soldier | Agga, & Simon & George & Sanders Perry 3 sisters. Anny & Lucy Becca Perry Residence Chickasaw county - C.N. |

| Family of Andrew Chief Watkins a farmer by occupation | 3 sons, James & Jacob & Charles Watkins reside in Pooshme tawhaw county C.N. |

| Family of Watson Brown by occupation Interpreter | wife Harriet Brown 1 child name Winny Brown Residence Jacksfork county - Choctaw Nation |

| Family of Daniel Loman occupation farmer | Wife Sopha and one child Robert Loman also sister and four children. Sisters name Nancy Harrison childrens names Hannah & Sary & Visa & Jack all reside in Kismish
county Choctaw Nation |

| Family of Ben Colbert Gov. Employee at Ft Smith
Arks | has mother & two brothers mothers name Rachael Colbert. Bros. names July & Mobeal Colbert one sister Nancy Colbert all reside in Kramish county Choctaw Nation |

Transcription Notes:
table formatted correctly, some corrections