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R. 102. Bu RFAL (La) 65
L 40 (R.F. & A.L. Vol 2) 1865

War Department
Bureau of Ref F and A.L.
Washington Sept 13" 1865.

Refugees Bureau of
per Taggart Saml. L
Asst Adjt General

Acknowledges receipt of monthly report of Officers and Agents for the month of August 1865. States that Circular No 10 not only contemplates the giving of the changes but that the names of the officers and Agents on duty shall be reported every report. Asks that a corrected report of the same be forwarded.





[[stamp]] BUREAU R.F. & A.L. REC'D NOV 6 1865
WASHINGTON [[/stamp]]

Rec'd Hd Qrs B.R.F.AL (La) Sept 25/65.

R. 102 Bu RFAL (La) - 65

Head Quarters
Bureau R.F. &. A.L.
State of Louisiana
New Orleans, Oct. 23 1865

Respectfully returned calling attention to Circular No. 10 C.S. enclosed. It is suggested that the order contemplated only the changes of officers, stating whether any had been gained or lost since last report, and if so, how.
The labor to make a new list each month would be enormous. The same will apply to Land Reports &c.

J. S. Fullerton
Bvt. Brig. Gen'l. Vols.
Ass't. Commissioner
Bureau R.F. &. A.L.
State of La.

EB 2 41.

Transcription Notes:
corrections The portion written by Fullerton, which he signed as "Ass't Commissioner", is dated October 23. A source on the Bureau's history in Louisiana says James S. Fullerton was Assistant Commissioner in Louisiana for only 2 weeks, from October 4 to October 18 in 1865. Preceded by Chaplain Thomas W. Conway and followed by General Absalom Baird.