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Colonel J. V. Bomford, 8th U.S. Infty.
Brig. Genl. Edw. W. Hinks, U.S.V. and
Lieut. Col. Wm. N. Grier, 1st U.S. Cav.

In March last I was promoted to Captain V.R.C.
I was disabled in the battle of Gettysburg, Va, July 1st 1865 by a gunshot wound through hip and bowels.
Having addressed you, General, purely for the purpose of obtaining a detail on such duty, which I am, in my opinion, most capable of performing, I beg of you to receive it in the sense it was made.

I am General
very respectfully
your obedient Servant
F W Liedtke
Captain 18th Regt. V.R.C.

Maj. Genl. O. O. Howard }
U.S. Army               }
Washington D.C.         }

Transcription Notes: