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Statement of D. Burrell & D. Coples

Parish St John Baptist La
November 6th 1865-

I call two commissioners and one clerk, open the poll at 8 o'clock precisely and closed at 4 o'clock; and by noon, we had penned down five hundred names, and our good order was admired by all who seen it. Most of all the men returned home, and went to work. At 12 o'clock that night, we started with our returns for the city of New Orleans, and had travelled about twelve miles, when we were overhauled by the provost Marshal, and we defended ourselves, by making a true statement of what had been done to this he says: if you tell me the truth there is no crime in the matter, go on, he bids us good night, and we started again for the city. All went on well, we delivered our returns to the Central Executive Committee, and on the morning of the Eighth we started for home and went as far as Carrollton, when a police officer, by the name of Trower arrested us and brought us back to the city, and at the police station, we were stopped and searched from head down to the sole of our feet, what they wanted to find God only knows. After being searched we were sent to the provost marshal of Freedmen Capt. Morse, that ordered us to be confined, we were put in a dungeon, where we remained for forty Eight hours, the balance of the time, we were not confined. Capt Morse discharged us saying "Go home boys" lives in peace, and wait untill government takes action on you voting; and then you can act upon it, not before, it is not lawful for you to vote, for you are not white, you are misled by a party who is not legal. We bid him