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good bye.  On friday night at 12 o'clock, we reached home, after suffering all the harships of the jail, and very much worn out rom the bad treatment that we had received.

On Sunday, I Dennis Burrell, preached at Bonnet-Carré and on my way home, I was arrested by ( * ) a Justice of the peace, he had given an order to the sheriff of the parish to arrest me and put me in jail, until further orders, so I was arrested three times in seven days. I was locked up all of Sunday night the 13th

On monday at 9 o'clock I asked for trial, and was tried at half past ten under the charge that our voting was not lawful, being not allowed by the Civil Authorities: You are not to blame, I see you have been misled" and so I have been let loose, three times in the same way; and I have the ill-will of all the white people, and some of the Colored one. I am afraid to put my head, out of my door after night, and I ask to the Central Executive Committee for the sufferings I have undergone is it just? God only can tell me what I have Suffered in my mind and body. My Confinement has caused me to take a deep cold, on my my lungs, that I greatly fear, will last me to my grave.

Signed  Yours truly
Dennis E. Burrell
Commissioned Baptist minister
Daniel Cepher.

Copied from the Original
Jos. L. Montieu