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Good loyal men generally paid up, and the disloyal and disaffected held back, finally in reply to a telegraphic request of General Fullerton, the President sent back rather an adorsing dispatch saying that he would not push the collection of the tax further. It was arrested and the good loyal men who have paid up demand either that their money, which has been long since spent, shall be refunded or the others made to pay. The tax is just, we need the money very much and it is the wish of General Sheridan and General Canby, as well as my own, that it ought to be completed.

Your letter says, "He (General Howard) desires that the School tax as formerly levied should be collected, but not by harsh means", I do not know that you refer to the same tax that I do, or which I am to understand by harsh means.

Please answer at once.

Things are at present in a transition state, but in a few days I will be able to report fully respecting Schools, labor, and other matters.

Most Respectfully
Your obdt Servant
A. Barin
Brvt Major General. Asst. Comr. for La.