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sufficiently explicit, as he appears to have no idea of giving his sanction to this species of legislature.

To-day I have received from the Hon. D. F. Kenner, Chairman of Joint Committee, copies of the labor bills from 58 to 63 inclusive, just as they passed the legislature. To the Vagrant Act I have attached that section of the Statue relative to Crimes, which precedes the amendment just adopted, and which is necessary to an understanding of it. All of these papers I forward for your information. May I hope that as soon as convenient, I shall receive an expression of your own opinion and also of that of the President in respect to them.

It is not necessary that I should comment much on the bills. It will be seen that the words white and black, and all other terms indicating a distinction of race have been excluded. This I presume in consequence of my repeated assurance that no law making such a distinction would be sanctioned by the Government, and that the black laborer must occupy the same position exactly as an intelligent mechanic from France, or Germany, or