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"vagrant, if in the city of New Orleans,
"to the Work-House of the city for any
"time not exceeding six months, there to
"be kept at hard labor. Or, if such
"vagrant be a proper object of charity,
"to some place of refuge to be provided
"by the Common Council of the city;
"And, if in any of the Parishes, to the
"Parish Jail, for not more than six
"months; and, if such vagrant be a  proper
"object of charity, to such place of
"refuge as shall be provided by the
"Parochial authorities;" shall be amended and re-enacted, so as to read as follows:
9 That, upon complaint made on oath
10 before a Justice of the Peace, Mayor, or
11 Judge of the District Court, or other
12 proper officer, that any person is a 
13 vagrant within the description aforesaid, it
14 shall be the duty of such Justice, Judge,
15 Mayor, or other officer, to issue his
16 warrant to any Sheriff, Constable, 
17 Policeman, or other peace officer, 
26 commanding him to arrest the party accused and
27 bring him before such Justice of the
28 Peace, or other officer, and if the Justice,
29 or other officer, be satisfied by the 
30 confession of the offender, or competent
31 testimony that he is a vagrant within the
32 said description, he shall make a 
33 certificate of the same, which shall be filed
34 with the Clerk of the Court of the
35 Parish; and, if in the City of New Orleans,
36 these certificates shall be filed in the
37 office of one of the Recorders, and the