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38 said Justice, or other officer, shall require
39 the party accused to enter into bond,
40 payable to the Governor of Louisiana, or
41 his successors in office, in such sums as
42 said Justice, or other officer, shall pre-
43 scribe; with security to be approved by
44 said officer for his good behavior and 
45 future industry for the period of one
46 year, and, upon his failing or refusing to
47 give such bond and security, the Justice,
48 or other officer, shall issue his warrant
49 to the Sheriff, or other officer, directing
50 him to detain and to hire out such
51 vagrant for a period not exceeding
52 twelve months, or [[strikethrough]] be made [[/strikethrough]] cause him to to labor on
53 the public works, roads, or levees; subject to such rules & regulations as may be made by the municipal or parochial authorities; 
54 Provided, that if the accused be a person
55 who has abandoned his employers before
56 his contract expired, the preference
57 shall be given to such employer of hiring
58 the accused; And provided, further, that
59 in the city of New Orleans the accused 
60 may be committed to the Work-house for
61 a time not exceeding six months, there to
62 be kept at hard labor, or to [[strikethrough]] be made [[/strikethrough]] cause him to
63 labor on the public works, roads, or 
64 levees; the proceeds of the hire, in the
65 cases herein provided for, to be paid into
66 the Parish Treasury for the benefit of
67 paupers; And, provided further, that the
68 person hiring such vagrants shall be
69 compelled to furnish such clothing, food
70 and medical attention as they furnish
71 their other laborers [[strikethrough]] ?illegible [[/strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
Incomplete a nnotations.