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10 ments; and employers shall have the
11 right to make a reasonable deduction
12 from the laborers wages for injuries done
13 to animals or agricultural implements
14 committed to his care, or for bad or neg-
15 ligent work. Bad work shall not be
16 allowed. Failing to obey reasonable 
17 orders, neglect of duty, and leaving home
18 without permission, will be deemed dis-
19 obedience; impudence, swearing, or in-
20 decent language to or in the presence of
21 the employers, his family, or agent, or 
22 quarrelling and fighting with one another
23 shall be deemed disobedience - for any
24 disobedience a fine of one dollar shall be
25 imposed on and paid by the offender.
26 For all lost time from work hours, unless
27 in case of sickness, the laborer shall be
28 fined twenty-five cents per hour. For
29 all absence from home without leave the laborer will
30 be fined at the rate of two dollars per 
31 day. Laborers will not be required to
32 labor on the Sabbath, except to take the necessary care of stock & other property on the plantation and to do the necessary cooking & household duty, unless by special
33 contract. For all thefts of the laborer
34 for the employer of agricultural pro-
35 ducts, hogs, sheep, poultry, or any other
36 property of the employer, or willful
37 destruction of property or injury, the
38 laborer shall pay the employer double the
39 amount of the value of the property
40 stolen, destroyed, or injured, one-half to
41 be paid to the employer and the other
42 half to be placed in the general fund
43 provided for in this section. No live
44 stock shall be allowed to laborers without
45 the permission of the employer. Labor-