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46 ers shall not receive visitors during
47 work hours. All difficulties arising
48 between the employers and laborers, un-
49 der this section, shall be settled and all fines be imposed by the 
50 former—if not satisfactory to the labor-
51 ers, an appeal may be had to the nearest
52 Justice of the Peace and two freeholders,
53 citizens, one of said citizens to be selected
54 by the employer and the other by the 
55 laborer; and all fines imposed and col-
56 lected under this section shall be deduct-
57 ed from wages due, and shall be placed
58 in a common fund, to be divided among
59 the other laborers employed on the
60 plantation, at the time when their full wages fall due except as provided for above.

SEC. 10. Be it further enacted, &c., That
2 for gross misconduct on the part of the 
3 laborer, such as insubordination, habitual
4 laziness, frequent acts of violation of his
5 contract, or the laws of the State, he may
6 be dismissed by his employer; neverthe-
7 less, the laborer shall have the right to 
8 [[strikethrough]] resist his dismissal and to a redress of his [[/strikethrough]]
9 [[strikethrough]] wrongs by [[/strikethrough]] an appeal to a Justice of the 
10 Peace and two freeholders, citizens of the
11 Parish, one of the freeholders to be se-
12 lected by himself and the other by his
13 employer. and their decision shall be final —

SEC. 12. Be it further enacted, &c., That
2 all laws contrary to or conflicting with the 
3 provisions of this Act be, and the same
4 are, hereby repealed.

Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, &c., That
2 this Act shall take effect from and after
3 its passage.

SEC. 11. Be it further enacted, &c., That —