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and bankrupt, but their hands are unstained with dishonor, and no wonder the Bats come under the scowl of honest indignation which mantles their honest brows. The fate of the humblest private, rotting in a coffinless grave, is infinitely preferable to that occupied by those who have belied their professions and deserted their friends. Of course we allude to that class who were blatant for secession, and aided in driving into the Southern army, as so many sheep for the slaughter, the youth and manhood of the country, and who were afterwards the first to fraternize with the Federals, and take to their perfidious bosoms the men they had sworn to slay, and whose cause they pretended to despise."

And what honest man could fail to continue to curse and damn such creatures! We are glad to find one Rebel journal with soul and candor enough to single them out and place them before the world in their true light. We have done so often, and shall continue to do so as long as they seek to rule the destinies of this country. The men of principle and nerve who supported Secession as an honest political creed, have, as a general thing, fought it out in the field, and now manfully surrender the issue as for ever settled by the arbitrament of the sword--and they seek no longer to dictate and rule the country. Such men—who in fact are but few compared to those who aimed maliciously to break up the Government and make money—have our respect and our sympathy. But others have not, and never can, until they "cease to do evil and learn to do well."
But really and candidly, the most contemptible and pestiferous character that now disgraces and assists to distract the Southern land, is your so-called "Union man," who was for the Union as long as he thought there was a hope for the "everlasting nigger"; but as soon as that prop failed, his patriotism failed, and he now stands ready to barter his soul to the Devil, or make any other low and mean deal, to prolong for a single day his claim to property in human flesh! They would rather see the land deluged in the blood of innocent white women and children, than that the galling chains should fall from the weary limbs of the care-worn African. Away with such characters! They are the filth of the earth. Both the honest Secessionist and true Union man look upon such creatures with that commiserative contempt which imbecility coupled with depravity never fails to engender.

immigrants to suffrage, was referred to a Committee of the South Carolina Legislature. The Committee reports that all such persons who have resided in the State for the last two years are citizens and entitled to vote. And it gives these reasons for that decision:

"This is not only good policy, but just and fair, inasmuch as we know that a goodly number of young foreigners have served in our armies and shed their blood in our cause, and that their very devotion prevented them from attaining to citizenship of the United States during that time. Our gratitude should not refuse them the boon if our laws and justice had not already awarded it."

As there are a considerable number of nativeborn South Carolinians who have shed their blood, during the same period, in the cause of the Union, and whose "very devotion" prevent them from attaining to citizenship in that State, it would seem that there should be gratitude and power enough somewhere to assure to them the right of which South Carolina would deprive them. This also "would be good policy, just and fair."—N.Y. Tribune.

Thus it may be seen in what way the Rebel spirit of the South still furnishes the people of the North just ground for drawing the reins tighter and tighter on us. Let us remind the country once more that the memory of Treason can never be immortalized into anything but a fame of infamy; and the sooner the effect ceases, the better will it be for what is left in this portion of the world. Mr. Johnson, even, will not agree to anything else; and certainly the Radicals will not—they would be very foolish if they did.
A.P. Field, Esq., has written a letter to a Northern Senator, in regard to the political status of Louisiana, which is being roundly denounced by the Rebel press of the State, but which, to our personal knowledge, is mainly true, in every sense of the word. It will not do for gentlemen to deny facts which are too apparent and palpable; such conduct, besides being criminal, begets a feeling something akin to contempt among the more candid and truth-loving.

greater ruin than has already befallen us. The Rebel influence in the South still holds and controls the bulk of the wealth of the country; and it will be used and wielded, as a general thing, to keep down and crush out the honest loyal masses, and make them subservient to the spirit and designs of treason. In this parish, at this time, there is a systematic understanding among a certain class not to sell corn or meat to poor people—hoping thereby to compel the freedmen to hire alone to their former masters, or at least to the more wealthy class. And in some instances—and doubtless in many—men have been known to advise their former slaves not to hire themselves to poor men who had never owned negroes!
All these things are very wrong and very unjust, and are calculated to irritate just-minded men who have stood up to principle and defended truth, justice and good government, against usurpation and anarchy, for the last few dark years just passed. And we for one shall never cease to denounce such conduct and such influences, while there is a vestige left to disgrace the land we live in.
It will be seen by reference to advertisement that the steamer "Frolic" will enter the Minden trade as soon as navigation opens--which it  is thought will be in a few weeks. The Frolic is a fine boat, and she is officered by gentleman in every way worthy of patronage. And it should be kept in mind that this boat is no transient craft, to catch the custom of our people for a day and get their money and leave and care no more for them; but she comes in as a regular and permanent packet, to supply our wants and watch our interests. Such a boat should have all preference and be properly awarded.
The steamer "E. O. Stanard," whose advertisement we published last week, has been destroyed by fire. But Capt. Rawlings immediately procured another boat to take her place—the "R. J. Lockwood"—to whose advertisement we invite special attention.
It will be seen by reference to advertisement, that our young friend, William J. Harris, is doing business with one of the largest and most popular houses in New Orleans—Messrs. WALLACE & CO. Mr. Harris is well known in this portion of the State as a most clever and worthy gentleman, and an excellent business man.
Mr. Walker Dunston, of the house of J. D. Dansby, has our thanks for a very fine pair of dress boots—a kind of gift which none know better how to appreciate and appropriate than a country editor of good taste.

and the State—and so it might have passed by.
But mark the contrast: Gen. Wade Hampton of South Carolina made his appearance in Montgomery, he, an unpardoned Rebel, lately in arms against the United States. Instantly, Mr. T.B. Bethea of Montgomery, lately specially pardoned by the President, rises in his seat, offers a resolution to honor Hampton, to invite him to the Hall of the House, and that a Committee of three be appointed to wait upon and escort him in. It was carried, nem. con. Bethea, Gibson, and Worthy were made said Committee. They, a guard of honor, escorted the distinguished unpardoned enemy of the United States Government to the Hall; the members rose to receive him; Speaker Cooper made a glorification speech of welcome. and Gen. Hampton happily responded, complimenting Alabama's exertions in and devotion to the cause, (the attempt to overthrow the Union and Government), and the gallantry displayed by her sons. Then a recess took place that all the members might be introduced to the General and get a lock of his hair, may be. But poor Swayne, Wood and Thomas, they were no-bodies, and represented the hated tyranny at Washington--the Union. 
About the same time, the Legislature adopted a memorial to the President, asking that the troops be removed from the State—that they (the Legislature) were loyal, and could vouch for the entire State.   B.
Gen. Thomas, the commander of the Military Department wherein he was thus treated, is a Virginian, born and reared in the most pro-Slavery portion of that State. He was (we think) Major of the regiment of cavalry whereof Robert E. Lee was Colonel, when each of them was offered high rank and honors if he would enlist in the armies of the Rebellion. Lee consented; at the same time writing his sister that he saw no adequate reason for Secession. Thomas, holding his oath of fidelity to the Union sacred, refused. Alabama now professes to believe that Thomas was right and Lee wrong in this; but her acts belie her professions. She can imagine no ground of hostility to Thomas but his unfailing loyalty; but for that, she would delight to entertain and honor him. There is no shadow of difference between his conduct throughout and that of Andrew Johnson, whom she professes to regard with grateful affection and confidence.
Do the Southern magnates imagine that these things are not seen?
[N. Y. Tribune

It cannot be denied, and will not be, by any candid and truthful man, who is at all cognizant of the true state of affairs, that the foregoing account represents the true tenor and intent of loyalty throughout the South; and all the lying and hypocritical protestations of the little, narrow-mined, traitorous scribblers throughout the land, will not change the facts.—[EDITOR ILIAD.

Domestic Dry Goods:
Plantation Clothing.
And 91, 93 & 95, Com', (Slocumb Building,)
Jan. 27, 1866.  4–

Parish Auctioneers,
WILL attend promptly and efficiently to all business in their line, entrusted to them.
Jan 27, 1866.   4–

State of Louisiana, Parish of Claiborne.
Succession of John Rowles, Dec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Benjamin Walker and Emaline Deloach, by their attorney, L. B. Watkhins, Esq., have filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court, for said parish, their application to be appointed Administrator and Co-Administrix of the Estate and Succession of John Rowles, late of said parish, deceased. Now therefore, unless opposition be made thereto in the time prescribed by law, the prayer of the applicants will be granted.
Given under my hand and seal of Dist. Court, this 27th Jan. 1866.
[4:2t] Clk. Dist. Court.

Tutor's Sale.
I WILL sell, on Saturday, the 3rd day of March next at public auction, for cash, 80 acres of LAND, (numbers furnished on the day of sale,) lying within 8 miles of the town of Minden, in Claiborne parish, La.; and also 1 bed and furniture, 1 loom, and 1 spinning wheel; and various other articles; all sold for cash. Sale to take place at my house, in said parish, within the usual hours of sale. This property is sold to pay the debts of T. P. Sehon, dec'd.
Jan. 27, 1866.   4:tds

J. M. Thomasson,
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Jan. 6, 1866. 1-

Drugs & Medicines!
J. P. Smith,
HAS just received a complete assortment of 
Drugs and Medicines,
all genuine and well selected; to which he respectfully invites the attention of purchases.
Jan. 13, 1866.  2:tf

received a large stock of very FINE LIQUORS, and a large and splendid stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, which he will sell for CASH only.
Jan. 13, 1866.  1:tf

For Sale.
AS Congress has passed an Act to tax cotton ten cents a pound, I am determined to go to South America, and in consequence of which I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, my PLANTATION, situated one mile east of Homer, on the Homer and Trenton road, containing 480 acres of land, 300 cleared, 200 of which is good second bottom, all in a high state of cultivation, excellent water and all necessary buildings. Also 5 mules, 3 yoke of cattle, 200 hear of stock hogs, 1 iron-axle wagon, 1 wood do., 1 fine carriage, 1 top-buggy; and in fact everything belonging to the premises, including household and kitchen furniture.
Possession given on the 1st day of January 1867. The purchaser can have the benefit of one-third interest in the crop made on the place this year.
This place is convenient enough to send to Homer to school.
The sale will take place on Saturday, Feb. 24th, 1866.
Terms cash, in gold or its equivalent in Greenbacks.
Jan. 13, 1866.   2:4t

Walsh & Boisseau,
White, Smith & Baldwin.
Corner of Milam and Commerce Sts.,
HAVE on hand and for sale, a large and well-selected stock of GROCERIES, which they offer to the trade, and public generally, at lowest prices, for CASH.
Also, a large stock of 
Iron, Nails, Castings;
Bagging and Rope;
And a fine lot of
Blacksmith's Tools,
Consisting of
Sledge and Hand Hammers, 
Tongs, &c.
Their large and extensive Warehouses enable them to store any quantity of Cotton, Merchandise and Produce, in transit or for sale, to which fact they beg leave to call the attention of the public.
Sept. 16, 1865.  38:6m