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New Orleans, La.
Jan. 31st, 1866

General A. Baird
Bureau of Freedmen, etc.

I have previously written to suggest to you the importance of securing for the cotton growing Sections of the Country all of the laboring people who can be found, without occupation.-  The only available force that can be obtained in sufficient numbers or render the matter worthy of the attention of the Government, is that of the Freedmen; – I have understood that there are, at least one hundred thousand of these in the States of Va., N.C. and Ky. without employment.- 
In this condition, they are useless to the country, and must soon become a burden to themselves. At the same time, there are waste lands enough in the Gulf States, and the State of Arkansas to employ the labor of twice, and, perhaps thrice that number.
The work of one hundred thousand of these laborers, well applied, by  your Department would produce Six Hundred Thousand, Bales of Cotton, at the lowest estimate, -

Transcription Notes:
changed "H." to "A." Baird