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grey, came to his house, and requested supper and lodging.  He provided them both, in the morning they changed their clothes for a suit of blue.  He gave them breakfast and about noon they went away previously asking him whether he had a gun. He told them he had, in the evening they returned with a third negro, one who had been hiding in swamps and subsisting upon what he could surreptitiously obtain.  Ware ordered them off his premises.  They told him he was a rebel and they would take his life.  They left shortly after but the following morning returned again. He went into this house and took his gun and set in his doorway. They went round his premises and coming up towards him demanded his gun.  He refused to give it up and told them he would shoot them if they came nearer to him, and told them to go away from his premises.  They said they were not afraid of him and started for him, on coming up he shot the front one, killing him and fired at the other but thinks he did not hit him as he turned and ran away.  He then went to a number of his neighbors and told them what he had done and they came back with him It was now afternoon, one of the parties had two dogs which they put upon the track of the negro who fled. The dogs only ran about half a mile. The scent was so indistinct.  This negro escaped, crossed the Bigbee and went to Mobile. 

Transcription Notes:
Bigbee is not a river name, but I suspect it's short (locals?) for Tombigbee River There was a period left out after 'and they came back with him'