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human beings have an equal right to justice before the tribunals of the land.  Yet if I am not mistaken, there is a growing impression, supported by the instrumentalities of this same political power in the South, that the Officers in this State are tyrannical, meddlesome, and disposed to thwart the faithful efforts of the noble white people to reorganize the state.
   Many delegations of the citizens of this State, have visited Washington for the purpose of getting their property returned, or of obtaining some other favor; they, in order to accomplish their desire, represent the feeling of their friends at home as very cordial toward the United States' Government, and say that they all acquiesce in the freedom of the negroes.  A little examination into the condition of things in this State will show that this is not the case, and that what the people do is only done in order that they may be restored to power so as to change the direction in which affairs