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religious Freedom, and say that these people have a right to assemble and worship God according to their own ideas, they hold up their hands in horror at such an idea. What would civil officers from these people do in reference to such complaints Suppress the meeting,

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24 William Smith ran away this afternoon - I was about to give him a whipping for turning preacher and putting the devil into the heads of the negroes. I miss Sam [[?]] very much & hope he will return shortly - The negroes on the upper place seem to be run mad on the subject of religion. Their noise can be heard very plain a my house - this may partly be attributed to Van Hook - he is a [[professor?]] in the Presbyterian Church and they say he lets out quite loud when he thinks there are any to hear.
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our midst, not a Freedmen school would be permitted in the State.  They might tar and feather the teachers as in days of old, but ways and means innumerable would present themselves by which to drive them out.