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between negroes themselves or between negroes and whites or Indians; except those in Military service so far as recognizable by Military Authority, and not taken cognizance of by the other tribunals, Civil or Military, of the United States.

The code of Arkansas excludes the testimony of the persons contemplated in this order. Jurisdiction therefore in the cases contemplated is vested in the Assistant Commissioners of this Bureau. 

Desiring to seem a fair and full administration of justice throughout the State, through the instrumentality of Citizens of the State. I have appointed a number of civilians Superintendents of this Bureau. They are hereby empowered to administer justice in the cases above referred to, and they will be governed by the laws now in force in Arkansas except so far as those laws make a distinction on account of color. 

Each officer on assuming jurisdiction will signify to the Assistant Commissioner his acceptance of the same in writing. He will receive the support of the Military Authorities whenever needfull. Process will be in the same name and form, and costs and fines taxes and collected as under the present State Government.