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an order should be issued authorizing me to transport them at the expense of the Government, and as arranged that the Rail Roads would receive pay upon my voucher.  I have spoken to the Agents here & they agree to carry all I have to send, at the following rates; - Children under five, nothing; - between five and twelve, one & 3/100 of a cent per mile:  all over that age at two & 6/100 of a cent per mile. This should be arranged as soon as possible for I have a pretty fair prospect of sending south children to a colored orphan asylum at Adrian Mich. in a short time.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
James C. Strong
Br. Bg Gen.

Quincy Ill Oct 7/65
Strong Bvt Brig Gen J.C.
Forwards requisitions for approval for Stationery; office furniture, fuel for office & fuel for use of Freedmen.  Calls attention to facts: as follows: -
1. Funds of F.A. Society giving out at that place, and they are unable to furnish a physician for freedmen and many dies from want of medical attendance.  
2. An order is necessary to hire teams for transportation of stores from landing to store house.
3. An order should be issued for transporting children at expense of Govt to different asylums which consent to take charge of them.
LR 394 
4. Enclosures
Rec'd B.R.F.& A.L. Mo & Ark Oct 9/65

[[stamp]] BUREAU R.F.&A.L. WASHINGTON. REC'D OCT 14 1985 [[/stamp]]

[[note]] NC 36 (R.F.&A.L. Vol 2) 1865. [[/note]]