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No. 29.
REQUISITION FOR FUEL, for Office Superintendent & Provost Marshall of Refugees, Freedmen &c [[strikethrough]]Company, ___ Regiment of ___, commanded by ___,[[/strikethrough]] for the month of November, 1865

[[13 columned table]]

| STATION. | Captains. | Subalterns. | Non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates | Laundresses and servants. | TOTAL | Monthly allowance to each in cords. | WOOD. Cords. | WOOD. Feet. | WOOD. Inches. | COAL. Bushels. | COAL. Pounds. | REMARKS. |


| Quincy Ill. |   |   |   |   |   |   | 0 | 0 | 0 | 25 | 0 | Approved By Command Maj Gen O.O. Howard Commissioner Asst Adjt General |

By order of
Brig. Genl. J.W. Sprague
D.H. Williams
A.A.G. In Genl Spragues absence

| Total,___| 0 | 0 | 0 | 25 | 0 |   | 
[[/13 columned table]]

I certify, on honor, that the above Requisition is correct and just, and that fuel has not been drawn for any part of the time above charged.

James C. Strong
Bt. Bg. Gen. & Supt. Pro. Mar. &c [[strikethrough]]Commanding Company.[[/strikethrough]]

RECEIVED at ___, the ___ of ___, 186_, of ___ Quartermaster U.S. Army, ___ cords, ___ feet, ____ inches of Wood, ___ of Coal, in full of the above Requisition.


Commanding Company.

Transcription Notes:
11-30-2021: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review