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Hd. Qrs. Mil. Div. Miss
St. Louis Mo Oct. 1st 1865


Thomas D. McAlpine 2nd Lieut Commdg 13th Co 2nd
Battalion Veteran Reserve Corps, and formerly of your Old Commd & of the 2d Mass Inft., now temporarily on duty at the Marine Hospital at this place desires a detail from you for duty of some kind in the Freedmans Bureau.

I would respectfully state that I am personally acquainted with Lieut McAlpine, he is a young man of good ability to fine address, strictly moral habits. I am confident he would suit
you if you should want an officer of his rank.

I am General
Yours truly 
Samuel Bachtell
Brvt Maj. & Chief Signal Officer M. D. M.

Maj General O.O. Howard