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M. 40 (R. F. & A. L. Vol. 2) 1865

St Louis Mo. Oct 14. 1865


Missouri and Arkansas,
Brig. Genl. J. W. Sprague
Asst Commr.

States that reports from Ark. are not received.  Capt. Skinner A.Q.M. is trying to get Maj Sargent's financial accts. into shape which work was delayed by the Muster. out of Capt. Buck A.Q.M. (Has ordered the issue of Rations to cease in Missouri on the 31st inst, and at Quincy Ill, on the 30th of Nov.) States that there are about 250 col'd women & children at Quincy, mostly families of soldiers credited to state of Ill, thinks the State authorities should care for them; has advised Gov Oglesby of his action, and taken other means to prevent suffering.

[[stamp]] BUREAU R. F. & A. L.  WASHINGTON. REC'D OCT 18 1865 [[/stamp]]