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pay for twelve months preceding and were becoming clamorous and demoralized in consequence. These facts I laid before Col. Thomas who directed me to purchase such medicines as were indespensable and prepare rolls for the payment of [[strikethrough]] medical [[/strikethrough]] attendants. The medicines were purchased as advantageously as possible from a druggist in Vicksburg; for these I gave vouchers that were ordered paid by Col. Thomas, and redeemed by Lieut. John F Perry, Receiver and Disbursing Officer for the Bureau. I distributed the medicines to the different points where they were required taking receipts from my medical officers for the same and furnishing them invoices. I caused my medical officers to reduce the corps of hospital attendants to the smallest number practicable, viz: one nurse for every ten (10) and one cook for every thirty (30) patients, and to make rolls for the payment of the same from the 1st of June. 
These rolls were paid by the disbursing officer and for the months of June and Jul, as approved, amounted to $846.63, and, for the months of August and September, to $923.33⅓. The cost of medicines purchased