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the State in company with the Assistant Commissioner for the purpose of determining the wants of the dependent sick and supplying them with medicines and surgeons. I had previously deployed a physician for Jackson on the recommendation of the Act Ass't Commissioner on duty there and with the approval of the Asst Commissioner.
I found that he was treating about 40 patients daily in their quarters, which in many instances were better calculated to create disease than to protect from the scorching sun and pelting storms.
At that time I had no remedy for this state of things at my command, as the Surgeon Gen'l had not then authorized the issuing of hospital supplies to Freedmen and the Ass't Commissioner did not think the finances of the Bureau warranted us in making the necessary purchases.
Since that we have procured the necessary supplies by requisition on the Medical Purveyor and the hospital is now being established.
At Meridian I found a camp of 50 dependent