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Summary of report of Col. S. Thomas. for Yr. ending Sept 30/65.


By delay of mails, did not receive his appointment till one month from date of issue. Became Asst. Comr June 25th/65., for one year previous was Pro. Mar. Genl. of Freedmen and was surrounded by officers well qualified for the new duties of the Bureau. Immediately organized the necessary staff, & set them to work at their various duties, to try & protect the interests of white & black. On account of the sudden transition found it difficult at first, from the chagrin & prejudice of the whites, & the excitement of the colored people at prospect of freedom after years of slavery. It was not strange that confusion existed and outrages were committed. The few troops at disposal of Dept. Comd'r. made it impossible to restore order in such localities. The Freedmen had the idea that freedom could only be secured at military posts, moving family & property there, & depending on the officers for labor & protection. At the loss of their servants & prospect of having to earn the bread they ate, the former masters would abuse & shoot their slaves on slightest provocation. Hopes the people are beginning to see their mistake in this, as unless they protect him in life and property, the Freedmen will remove where he will be safe. Every effort was made to