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On receipt of Circular J, Freedmen's Courts were established at various point. Placed best officers at head of these.
Criminal cases tried by these but were referred to Military Commissioners in session through the State Sub-Comr's invested with Provost Marshal's powers, and decided all cases usually pouring before their officers. Assured by the Gov'r that this was the best arrangement that could have been under. Circulars and orders issued as necessities required. Orders on Marriage issued & records kept. Forms of indenture adopted to protect orphan children. Forms & records of Contacts placed in hands of Sub Comr's and Freedmen urged to make contracts, and the importance of Schools (self-supporting) impressed upon them.

Near 10,000 acres of land are being work by Freedmen on their own account at Davis Bend, Camp DeSoto & Camp Hawly, each under control of a competent officer, and the people taking interest in the elections elected good men for Court, Judges, Sheriff &c. This place was a step toward self government & worked well as with no fear of punishment but only their own interests to promote they labored industriously. Physicians were allowed to practice among them and receive pay in same manners as among white people