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Statements of receipts and expenditures have been forwarded at end of each month, as follows:-
Cash on hand July 1. 1865 $4,243.89
Received in July 4,218.00
Received in August 5,863.37
Received in Sept 8,271.70  $22,596.96

Expended in July $4,245.72
Expended in August 4,599.08
Expended in September 5,179.42  $14,024.22
Cash on hand October 1st 1865  $8,572.74
This money was received from rents on houses, poll tax on Freedmen fines imposed &c. No funds used were rec'd from the Govt. Expenditures have been large, could not get detailed clerks, & hired citizens at lowest wages possible. Have four Hospitals & 3 Orphan Asylums, with surgeons and nurses to pay & medicines to purchase, up to a late date. Stationery and printing bills are large, as Q.M. Dept would not furnish it. Has paid for burying dead found in the streets, and for whatever the army could not do or Q.M. Dept furnish money for. Expects to pay rent for Quarters and offices, but can carry on the business until 1st of March without difficulty. Planters petitioned to have the