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Belle Vere, Oct. 14, 1865
Lt. J. W. Critchfield

I was shown by Mr. Clay your order of the 13th inst. requiring him to report by what authority he took arms from Freedmen. I belong to a company organized by Capt. M.V. Collum, under proclamation of Gov. Sharkey, for County Police &c. with instructions from Gov. Sharkey to visit the quarters of Freedmen, search for arms and ammunition of every description, and turn over to you all army guns that we might find. The Squad to which I belong was ordered by Capt. Collum to search a certain district on Saturday last, I requested Mr. Clay to accompany me and assure you that he took no arms nor ammunition from any Freedmen. As Mr. Clay does not belong to the company, he did not feel himself authorized to take arms or ammunition and would have nothing to do with it. We found two Enfield rifles which will be duly turned over