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in their own way they will have recourse to the civil law. Where they know they can obtain anything desired on their own statement.

The office of Capt. Organ amounts to nothing and the work done in it could be easily performed by Maj. Reynolds and his assistants. I found nothing of importance sufficient to authorize his office, and would recommend that it be abolished and the Books and papers turned over to Major Reynolds. Most of his business has been turned over to the Magistrates of the City, leaving but little business to perform.

I proceeded from Natchez to Washington and made inspection of Hospital and Home Colony. The Hospital at that place is in the old Jefferson College building, and is in excellent condition. Surgeon Hussey has performed his duties well, and deserves credit for his kindness and attention towards the suffering poor. The building needs repairs, a statement of the same I have sent forwards to your office. The College buildings comprising three large Houses was some time ago by act of State Legislature placed in the hands and control of a Board of Trustees, who control and advise under charter. There is but a small endowment and the Building have not been used for some time