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get $10 per month and subsist their families others get less and their families are classed with the dependants. The Colony proper is situated on the low lands of St. Catherine Creek - had is been located upon the high lands adjacent I trust the people have been better. I have had all the houses white-washed, and have kept the grounds and surrounding clean, yet there has been a good deal of ague in the Colony. 
The officer in charge of freedmen at Washington located the Colony upon the lands of Mrs. Brench - the location was made contrary to the wishes of the owner, as she was living upon her plantation and it was not seized by the Bureau and not subject to seizure. Immediately East of and adjoining this plantation is the plantation of Mrs. Colrest abandoned and Seized by the Bureau. This plantation is held with a view to making it a farm for the use of those remaining in the colon during next year - this plantation is however destitute of fencing and has not timber sufficient to fence it. I presume the Colony will consume most of the timber this Winter for fuel. 
About one half of the people live in the Colony proper proper occupying cabins built by the Bureau - the remainder