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Memoranda of Report of Maj. F.S. Free, dated Nov 1st 1865 concerning Freedmen in Mississippi

Complying with order dated Oct 11th/65 made tour of Inspection through part of the State, touching Natchez, Washington, Fayette, Union Church, Gallatin, Jackson, Canton, Winona & Grenada. Explained to Freedmen the policy of the Bureau, and urged them to energy, morality and education. They look to the Bureau for protection, in spite of the teachings of its legions of enemies. The Planters exact from the wages of the negroes, and are not disposed to deal justly, but have recourse to civil law, where their own statement is most looked at. Hospital at Washington in good condition. 39 children there in Orphan Asylum well cared for   Recommends Home Colony be abolished, it being in poor condition & unhealthy, no wood near, or transportation to haul it. Lt. Brobst. at Fayette, through opposition of citizens & civil magistrates & having no clerks &c has turned over affairs to civil authorities. Had his office broken open, papers burned & some funds stolen, but cannot discover the robbers. One of the Majors escort (2d N.J. Cav) drugged, robbed & married to a disreputable colored woman & compelled to sleep with her. The parties connected could not be found, & no action taken by civil authorities who seem to think it a good thing. Parties afterwards reported by Lt. Brobst.