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Attempts made to steal escorts horses. The Bureau cursed & denounced, & force only can make them comply with its requirements. The Planters denounce the negroes as vagrants, liars, thieves &c, "don't know how to work, ought to be made to." because they are free. Encloses printed slips. of a couple of deliberate murders of aged negro men. Reports the whipping and breaking of a negro boys arm by a Prof. of the Female Seminary. Found Capt. Peek absent & made no inspection. Visited Maj. Reynolds at Jackson, & found that he meets the same opposition from the Civil authorities, no attention being paid to his authority. The idea prevalent that Gov't is to take the land from their former masters, & give homes to each head of family of Freedmen in January. Tried to dispel this false idea and show them the true state of affairs. The Planters dislike to live by contract & the "hue & cry" is the Negro won't work. Our Planter, disposed to deal justly said that he, by free labor system was making money faster than he possibly could before & is paying to some hands $3 & $4 per day- Opposition to educating the Freedmen or allowing schools or churches to be built for them, or rented to use for schools or to address the Freedmen in. All schools under the auspices of Freedmen's Bureau, and must be protected by it.