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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]] M87

   As it is proposed by myself and two other Presbyterian Clergymen through the cooperation of some capitalists of Philadelphia to engage in an enterprise for the benefit of the Freedmen.
   The project embraces two elements; the first philanthropic: the second financial.
   A purpose is to secure the Education, Christian elevation and self supporting Industry of the Freedmen through an association organized for the cultivation of cotton on a remunerative basis. 
I.   The Plan is this.
  1. To organize a stock company with a sufficient amount of capital.
  2. To purchase a large Tract of land in the midst of the cotton region- say in the central part of South Carolina- with a dense negro population.
  3. To form a settlement of Freedmen constituting them a Christian Community, making their chief business the cultivation of cotton, and affording them incentives for ultimately owning the lands, by purchase in tracts