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II. Beneficial Results.
   It is thought that this plan if it can be successfully put into operation will secure the following results.
  1. Such Profits as to enlist capital for the prosecution of the enterprise to any desired extent.
  2. Such a tone of manly independence aided by intellectual education, and religious culture as will draw out the industry and permanent self-support of the present generation of the Freedmen, as well as their children.
  3. Such a condition among them as owners of the land, in time, and as responsible citizens, as will leave them in a situation of permanent social improvement.
  4. A help, at least in a limited degree, to the developing of the resources of the Southern country, now exhausted by the war.
  5. An Exhibition of the working of a system which might be extended indefinitely through the South with advantages to Northern Capitalists.  Southern landowners and the liberated population now needing our aid.