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Office of Army Clothing and Equipage,
St. Louis, Mo., Oct 30th 1865.

Genl J W Sprague
Assl. Corn. Bureau [(?)]
Little Rock, Ark.

   I observe in the Army Journal a statement that the Qr. masters' Dept. is also ordered to turn over its officers on duty in the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands on requisition approved by the Commissioner, such Qr. Mrs. Stores on hand, and Clothing, Camp and Garrison Equipage unfit to issue to troops, and may be required to enable such officers to perform their public duties, and provide for the immediate necessities of destitute Refugees and Freedmen temporarily dependent on the Government."
   I have not been able to find the order referred to at these Headquarters but write to say that if its terms are as above stated, I can turn over to you if needed a large quantity of new but irregular clothing which has been furnished me from time to time for issue to Freedmen, Refugees and