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I think rumors of this kind are entirely without foundation at
present.  There may be instances where negroes may recriminate upon masters for former cruelty although we hear of no such cases, and would be powerless to prevent but I do not think any sensible man or community in this part of the State, thinks it possible that there is an organization for this purpose.  
I have consulted with Col. Lieb commanding the U.S. forces here about disarming the freedmen but we thought the facts would not justify such a course toward them, that they have shown themselves peacable and orderly under treatment from the whites calculated to create a spirit of resistance, but have shown no disposition to do so. The troops 
here are amply sufficient to check any movement of this kind, and the Colonel uses all due vigilance and conceives it to be the first duty of the military to preserve law and afford protection to all.  
Very respectfully
Your Obdt. Servant
B.K. Johnston Lt.
Sub Com'r B. RF & A.L.

Official Copy 
F. Bamburger
Lt. A. A. A. G.