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Black Hawk, Miss 
Nov. 14 1865

M 104

Mr. Jas. Standley

Dear Sir
One of your freed negroes Agnes (woman) come to me last Satturday made complaint that you had beat her over the head with the hoe helve, badly, as she says without cause. I advised her to return to you and be a good woman. I will see you about this hereafter. 
Three of the men come in this morning, it has been with some difficulty to get them to return again to you. If you want them for the ballence of the year. Perhaps it will be best not to whip them. If you cannot get along with them without it, report them. Give them the usual gratuity of Clothing and food for the present year, and for the future make the best arrangement you can.   have got them to consent to go back telling them I thought you would give them clothing and half of Satturday and they are to do good fair work 5 1/2 days in the week as this appears to be the order of the powers that be. I think it best to submit and manage the best we can, untill things become settled hoping,   

Transcription Notes:
helve - old word for 'handle' P.S. Regarding the content ...geez. edited: ignore indents removed, other corrections