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Office Sub Commr, Freedmen Bureau
Columbus, Miss. Nov. 16, 1865.

Lt. E. Bamberger
A.A.A.G. F.B.
Jackson, Miss

I have the honor to report in accordance with instructions received from your office dated Nov. 7, 1865, directing me to inquire carefully into causes of the fears existing, it is said, in the minds of a portion of the citizens, of a negro insurrection.
I have conversed upon this subject with many planters, employers of freedmen, as well as the municipal and county officers at this place, and have failed to find one, who expressed the opinion that such an insurrection was at all probable.
I have, also, during the two weeks taken great pains to enquire of the Freedmen who have called at this office to ask protection from their employers, or instructions as to their duties and privileges, and it is my opinion that, believing me to be their friend they tell me the truth in regard to the