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Kale Bird in Holmes County 12 miles from Lexington. visited John Mills plantation on Wednesday morning 15 of Nov where I live and snapped a pistol at a colored woman named Marie his former slave and my wife and took a stick and beat her from this place to his (Birds place) distance about a fourth of a mile and told me if he ever saw me with her again "By God" he would kill me, or words to that effect. He swore by God the Yankees were done with and the Negroes had no protection and their graves are all dug and that they would kill the colored men by degrees. He was not drunk I do not thinks Mr Miles was present.  

Daniel his x mark Miles

Sworn to and subscribed 
before me this 16th day 
of Nov 1865 at Yazoo City Miss

Chas H Clarke
Lieut & Sub Comr.