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fools; but the result was angry communication and threats, and wicked abuses. "They did never want to get back in the Union if the negroes were allowed their Testimony." I do not wish to become an accusser of my own people but I must be allowed to give a faint view of the feelings upon this subject matter. I could give case after case that shows "the stubborn prejudice [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] that exists to an allarming degree. One said, the other day, who is considered influential, "That he could for 25 cts, have those moved that were in favor of alowing the freedmen their Testimony".

"For the physical welfare of the negro, the South has done something. A rapid increase of population and longevity are a safe index of the prosperous and sane condition of the leading of the people. The South has so provided for the wants of the negro that his numbers have doubled themselves as rapidly or more of the whites with no accession by immigration."

So did the Egyptians do something, for the suffering Children of Jacob. In spite of the burdens heaped upon them by thir masters, and the efforts of the Egyptians to repress them, their increase at times, were allarming to their oppressors.

And at one time an ignorent and besotted Monarch tryed to defeat the designs of God by destroying their male children. While we are bound to believe that the condition