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there is no remedy as the officers have been duly installed, Much bitter hostile feeling exists and the lives of certain men had been threatened, but no actual disturbance occured. Thomas Hill, Franklin Township Fulton Co, owning 900 acres of land, held two negro girls as Slaves, but he (Maj. B) released them, they had attempted to escape but Hill had them brought back. A detachment of the 60th US.C.T. was stationed two miles from there, but Hill kept the girls hid when the troops were about his premises.
The Union men of all these counties desire that Troops be stationed there, so as to keep order and  ensure their quiet and safety. Thinks the interests of the General Govt, and loyal people would be best maintained by having small detachments of U.S. Troops stationed at Batesville Independence Co, and Franklin Fulton Co, or if this is inexpedient, that a small posse of militia be organized from Union men, paid for services actually rendered, for the purpose of assisting the civil authorities when required and to sustain such local agents of the Freedmen's Bureau so my be appointed for the various counties.