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any of the cities of Ky or Tenn.  Labor is abundant, and wages good, and they are usually well treated.  I think that a local Freedmen's aid Society would be able to provide for such as may require aid during the winter, and Mr A L Robinson, and Rev W.T. Wood, late Colonel of the 46th U.S.C.I. and present pastor of the Colored Baptist Church of Evansville, assured me that they would at once take steps to effect such an organization.

I would respectfully suggest that if some one were authorized by the Bureau to assume charge of Freedmen's affairs at that front, it would be of material advantage to them.  I do not think a more fitting man could be appointed for such purpose than Rev W.T. Wood, before mentioned in this report.

I am General,
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Serv't
A.M. York
Lt Col 15th U.S.C.I.