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Lib. Pap/ Brochard, Valognes
VALOGNES. - Hôtel Saint-Michel

3/4 size beds large enough for two (on wedding trips). New drink: Cidre miserabel nice little "Henry". Bought chiffon - ha-ha!

Started for St. Sauveur le Vicomte. Beautiful old abbey 11th century - little house on top of tower - most picturesque.
Dejeuner at Debutant.

Started for La Haye (8k). Old ruins to left of road. Soda in american bottles. Passed through Lessay. (11k.) country less interesting, houses poor and mostly in ruins. Pastures, swamps and marshes. Pine forests. My wheels bad condition. 5 Kil. before Coutances - schwupp - I break Mijis pedal. Push and coast to Coutances (22K).

Overwhelming sight of town coming down the hill. Stop at Hotel de France more dead than alive. grand dinner - general massage with alcohol.